Saturday, September 28, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Rare visit to Strait of Hormuz as Iran-U.S. tensions rise

The U.S. is trying to build an international coalition to counter Iran’s influence in the Middle East, especially in the Strait of Hormuz. The White House says it wants to protect oil tankers and shipping routes in the region. Imtiaz Tyab is the only U.S. network correspondent to gain access to Iran’s territorial waters since the recent spike in tensions, and he joins CBSN with a closer look. Source


“David Makes Man”: Tarell Alvin McCraney on the “doubleness” of his own childhood

Tarell Alvin McCraney is a playwright, professor and co-writer of the Oscar-winning screenplay for “Moonlight.” McCraney is turning to television for his new project,”David Makes Man,” about a 14-year-old prodigy handling the pressures of an elite education and the dangers of his Miami neighborhood. McCraney joins “CBS This Morning” to discuss how he drew on his own Floirda childhood for “David Makes Man.” Source


The subtle power of a bouquet of flowers

In this installment of our ongoing series, A More Perfect Union, we meet two childhood friends are turning recycled bouquets into moments of joy in Minnesota. Adriana Diaz reports. Source


Mayors urge bipartisan action on gun control

Mayors across the country are asking Washington to take action on gun control. CBS News’ Adriana Diaz sat down with four mayors, from different political parties, whose cities have been shaken by gun violence: Dayton, Ohio Mayor Nan Whaley, Parkland, Florida Mayor Christine Hunschofsky, Virginia Beach Mayor Bobby Dyer, and Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser. They want to see bipartisan gun safety legislation following the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso. Source
