Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

J and T Blog: A Guy Tries to Rob a Woman Sunbathing in a Bikini . . . But It Turns Out She’s a Cop

We’re pretty sure every single woman in Sweden walks around in a bikini all summer long, so I’m surprised we don’t hear stories like this more often.

A homeless guy in Stockholm, Sweden stole a phone from a woman named Mikaela Kellner while she was sunbathing last week.

But he didn’t realize Mikaela was a COP. So she immediately jumped up, chased him down, and tackled him. Then she held him down until some on-duty cops could get there to arrest him.

She was in her bikini the whole time, and a photo of her arresting the guy made it to social media. And if you’re into muscular women doing badass stuff, you need to check it out.

