Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Which Song Will You Vote #1 In the Upper Cumberland 500?

Rock 500 (Logo) 05-10-16Last year, Led Zeppelin ran away with #1. Which song will you vote YOUR FAVORITE this Memorial Day weekend?

The ballot box is open and Rock 93-7 wants to know…what’s your favorite song? Zeppelin. Pink Floyd. AC/DC. Guns N’ Roses. Every vote counts so show your passion for the classics from the 60s….the tunes from the 70s you rocked to….your 80s hair bands….90s grunge….or your modern favorites.

Then listen Memorial Day weekend as we Center Hill Sports Marineserve them up…..500 to #1. Rock 93-7’s Upper Cumberland 500 powered by Center Hill Sports Marine.

The voting is open right now. And catch Moose every afternoon as he pits two contenders against one another for a Rock 93-7 Instant Vote.

At the lake…by the pool….catching some zzz’s. This Memorial Day weekend…crank up the 500 biggest hits of all time. ONLY from Rock 93-7.

Upper Cumberland 500 Vote

You’ve got three stars, so use them carefully. Select your three favorite rock songs of all time. And yes, you can name a write-in winner!

Vote For Three:
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